Black Pilots of America
Roscoe Draper Chapter (Phila)
May 2024 Monthly Meeting: In-Person & Virtual
Attendance: Derek, George, Lisa Charlene, Russ; Guest: Ps. Julian Kings (Nigeria)
Rick, Rico, Bobby, Brandon
Meeting called to order at 10:30a
Treasurer’s Report:
General: $ 4,739.31
Education 3,641.00
Total $ 8,380.31
Ongoing donation of $50 from G.L. to education account.
Renewed PO box @ $182
Continued contract w/ Discount ASP.net for computer network
services @ $120
Zoom contact renewed @ $159.90
` No activity on the chapter shirts or Trading Cards
Membership Status:
Regular: 22; Assoc: 1; Students: 2; Honorary: 1, Family: 3
Secretary’s Report:
Reached out to the two (2) student by phone, left voicemail & followed up
With a letter including fliers for Cookout (June), Airport Day (October),
Our monthly meetings and Wednesday night Pilot’s Training Classes.
No response from the students or parents.
Sent out the Cookout Flier & Food List w/ April’s meeting minutes, we need the members to state what they will be bringing. Share the flier w/ your family & friends, All BPA chapter members are invited to attend
For Airport Day (AD): Ask Andy to add the flier, registration form & waiver form uploaded to the website. Maximum cap at 75 people (registering online), 20 reserve spaces for RDC members only
Russ still needs to look over the waiver before its uploaded
In preparation for AD, we will need at least three (3) dedicated Tour Captains on the flight line (stationary captain to stay & load the kids, one (1) to take the kids off & move either to the next station or their Tour Captain. Kids & Tour Captains will be color coded again so they will be able to remain w/ their groups
AD Leaders will get colored coded t-shirt as well
Weight needs to go on the registration the form
OBAP's Summer Camp Fly Day will be the 21th June (Friday). Camp will have a maximum of 20 campers. We still need pilots & aircrafts
RDC will enter into partnership w/ EAA Young Eagles
Note: Russ & Brandon needs to become a member of EAA
make a label for the logbooks, something like round RDC Chapter
VP Report:
Scout Aviation Day 18th of May @ South Jersey (VAY) airport. June 8th YE Day @ Trenton-Robinsville. YEDay.org to register your youth (7-17 yrs). June 15th flying OBAP kids at Trenton Airport
President’s Report:
We did several presentations (Belmont Charter & Vision Academy).
Tuskegee Airmen’s Fundraiser & Gala on Sunday 5th May, Derek will attending & representing.
RDC is being asked to participate on May 11th w/ Senator Dwight Evans (10-2p) event @ New Covenant Church, 7500 Germantown Ave
Note 4 Derek: Follow up w/ BPA President on group insurance & Regional Meeting before Membership mtg in August
Girls Inc. w/ Gene Stanley on Friday 19th July on his horse ranch in Maryland/DE area. RDC will partner w/ Black Women in Aviation (most likely at New Garden airport)
Juneteenth Parade (Father's Day), 16th June. Meet at the Mann Center, 52nd & Parkside ave no later than 10a, parade kicks off at 11a
Note to Ljp: order the table runner immediately (2) & popup display
Derek may not go to SkyHook but still responsible for Hall of Fame, working on it
Any suggestion and/or changes to the website, please send to Andy via email
Calendar should be added to the website
Need members to become Part 107 Ground Instructors (start studying serious ), Ground Instructor test is the same as the written Instrument Instructor
Derek welcomes our guest: Pastor Julian Kings, Warri, Delta State Nigeria.
Motion to accept the President’s Report by Russ, 2nd George, all in favor
RDC Cookout: some started naming what they would bring to the cookout
Those menu items will be added to the Food List and attached to this month’s minutes. Make sure you RSVP the number of guest attending
BPA Membership Mtg:
New Brunwick Airport (16 – 18 August). Registration: $200, Hotel $179/nite at Hyatt- Regency New Brunwick
BPA Board Meeting:
Phoenix AZ (17th – 19th January 2025
BPA Operation Skyhook
Memorial Day w/e: Rick Sr & Rico, Doug are going to SkyHook, Brandon is not sure yet
Ljp 16.5.24